Garage Sale at Crowne Plaza by 2nd Chance Rescue Qatar


Location: Crowne Plaza Business Park

Date: 11 June 2022
– 11 June 2022

02:30 pm
– 06:30 pm

Price:Check it out! – It’s free!

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2nd Chance Rescue Qatar is raising funds for some of their projects like their needed kennel renovation and to reduce drastically their vet bill in order for them to provide their pets a very well deserved, safe environment and to be able to save more and more animals out from the streets.

They have received cute kid’s stuff, dresses, shoes, bags, and jewelry for girls’ pleasure – a baby foot table, kitchen supplies, decorations, books, candles, and many more.

They are pleased to welcome and support some small community businesses and, whilst parents are shopping, kids will be entertained with face paintings and hair braids.

Support them by attending their event and browsing the items for sale!

Source and image credit: 2nd Chance Rescue Qatar