Qatar Charity clarifies defamation attempts


Qatar Charity released a statement in a tweet on 31 May 2022, addressing and clarifying false accusations and claims that had been circulating on social media.

The statement began with Qatar Charity taking pride in their achievements at different levels; locally and internationally when it comes to humanitarian work while appreciating the facilitation of it by the will and help of God and the support of the Qatari community.

They further expressed that they respect constructive criticism and are open to improving their charitable work while taking in their stride essential principles such as accountability, transparency, and open information. They ensure this is done with the publications on the website which are permanently accessible and is audited by major audit institutions globally. Furthermore, it is under the supervision of the Charitable Activities Regulatory Authority.

However, they also stated that while they are willing to accept criticism, they are not willing to undermine their credibility or accept any offense to their employees, donors, or partners. They further highlighted that this is even more unacceptable if the attempts to cause harm or defamation of the organization are done in an illegal and criminal manner.

The Al Sharq newspaper reported on 31 May 2022, that Qatar Charity had in fact invited the individual who had raised concerns on social media to their headquarters to validate and provide him with all the information regarding their activities that take place locally and internationally. However, despite the attempts by the charitable organization, the individual went on to continue the defamation and insulting activities. This consequently urged the organization to take due judicial action to protect the association, its rights, and reputation, also ensuring the trust of the community achieved over so many years is maintained.

As per the article, the individual causing the defamation has been convicted. In line with this, Qatar Charity has mentioned that its doors are open to anyone who wishes to gain further understanding and information about its humanitarian works. They requested from the public not to pay heed to this baseless misleading information and to rather rely on credible sources.

Source: Qatar Charity & Al Sharq Newspaper
Cover Image Credit: Al Sharq Newspaper