Want a Car Plate No. with World Cup 2022 Logo? Here’s How!


11th Electronic Auction for Special Numbers by Ministry of Interior

The General Directorate of Traffic Department of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) announced the 11th Electronic Auction for Special Numbers will be done through Metrash 2 App.

The auction starts on May 22 at 8:00 AM and ends on May 25 at 10:00 pm.

To view the starting price and special numbers, MoI has provided the link in its Twitter post below.

Special number plates solc in this auction will carry the logo of the World Cup. The numbers are grouped into two categories with separate security deposits for both.

If there is bargaining in the last quarter-hour, the time will be extended for another quarter-hour (for the number auctioned only). The process will conhtinue until the final quarter-hour of the last auction.


The person who wins the auction (the bidder with the highest amount) must contact the General Directorate of Traffic within a maximum of 4 working days.

If the bidder withdraws from payment, the security deposit will be forfeited.

If a bidder wins more than one special number, none of them will be granted to him until he pays all the amounts for the special numbers he won.

Payment can be made by cheque issued in favor of (Special Numbers) or using a credit card.


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