Tickets Discounts Qatar Day


The King Of The Court

Jan 5, 2022 – Jan 8, 2022
Aspire Park

International Beach volleyball tournament where we have players from all over the world, a team consists of 2 players and a game will be played with 5 teams on the court; some players play while other players are waiting for their turn on the court. Its a knockout race that makes every rally count. We have 9 sessions, where the final session duration would be a full day. We would have two sand pitches, one for the competition and one for the practicing; there would be a big fan zone outside the entrance to the main court with different entrainment as well as food and beverage stalls. There would also be entertainment shows daily between the games. The seating area contains the north area for accredited people, then 6 zones; 4 regular tickets zone, 1 zone for premium tickets and 1 zone for day tickets; prices are QR 5, QR 10 and QR 15 respectively. There would be no day tickets for the final day as it consists of just one ticket.

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