Philippine Embassy warns people about fake Facebook page


In a post on 9 April 2022 on the official Facebook page of the Philippine Embassy in Qatar, it was announced about a fake Facebook page posing as the Philippine Embassy.

The announcement said:

The Filipino community in Qatar and the general public are cautioned about a fake Facebook account that poses as the Philippine Embassy in Qatar and has been seen responding to netizens on the Embassy’s very own Facebook page.

It should be noted that the official FB account of the Embassy has a blue check mark right after the account name, which serves as a verified badge to confirm that the FB page is authentic.

It may also be observed that the FB fake account name is separated by a comma, and was only created without any previous posts to show.

While the Embassy has already reported this matter to relevant authorities in the Philippines and Facebook, the Embassy reminds everyone to be vigilant when using the social media. Thank you.

Source and cover image credit: Philippine Embassy in Qatar