Msheireb Market by Torba


Missed the Torba farmers’ market over the summer? Well, we have good news, as a new market has just launched in Msheireb Downtown Doha.

Msheireb Market by Torba is held every Saturday between 3pm and 9pm along the Sikkat Al Wadi walkway.

Pay a visit and you’ll be able to buy goods from brands such as Cl? Sunlight Apparel and P?rmina or pick up fresh vegetables from Heenat Salma farm.

Msheireb Market by Torba is also home to a number of food stalls, with restaurants like Over The Counter, Bao and Rusk Artisanal Bakery taking part.

Msheireb Properties hopes that the market will support and empower small businesses and local farms.

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Don’t forget to bring along your face mask, as you’ll need to wear it while visiting Msheireb Market by Torba. Kids under the age of 12 will not be allowed to enter.

Want to take part yourself? Prospective market vendors can apply online by heading to You will need commercial registration, and to employ sustainability principles in your product or service.

The original Torba farmers’ market, held in Education City, will also be returning this year later this month.

Until then, you can either visit the Msheireb Market by Torba, or head along down to the Torba Store in Al Duhail North.
Free. Every Sat 9am-9pm. Sikkat Al Wadi, Msheireb Downtown Doha, @farmersmarketqa.

Event Details:

Location: Sikkat Wadi Msheireb
Date: 30 October 2021
Time: 09:00 AM – 09:00 AM
Price: per participant – 0 QAR