Ministry issues healthcare protocol for Qatar National Sport Day


The Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), in a Tweet issued the healthcare protocol and the public health measures for Qatar National Sport Day.

Range and location of permitted activities:

All group sports activities during National Sport day, this year are outdoors only with no more than 15 people from the vaccinated individuals or a maximum of 5 not fully vaccinated such as children under the age of 12, exclusively only in individual sporting activities outdoor. Those who are not fully vaccinated need to show proof that they are free of Covid-19 by doing the rapid antigen test within 24 hours before the activities.
In any case, all participants are committed to keep distance, not less than one meter away.
All activities must be carried out to prepare for the sports day beforehand, under the above conditions
Organizers, participants in activities and spectators must fully adhere to all health procedures, especially those related to wearing of masks at all times, except during tough sports that may prevent breathing during practice, masks are used during light sports such as walking, as well as other measures such as safe physical distance, cleaning hands with sterilizers and other measures imposed by the Ministry of Public Health to reduce the spread of the virus causing Covid-19.
Participants can arrive for training, preparation or participation in the events using their own cars or taxis, so the total number of passengers in each vehicle do not exceed 4 people, including the driver. Everyone must wear the masks on the trip.
All sports training devices can be used in parks, sports trails at all other places in accordance with decisions of the Ministry of Public Health.
Once participants reach the place of activity, they should avoid close interaction with other people and must always maintain a safe distance.
We advise you to avoid shaking hands, hugging, or kissing each other at all times.
A safe distance of at least one meter must be strictly maintained at all times during training, preparations and during the activity itself. While talking to other participants, staff or others, participants are advised to maintain one meter while near others and avoid face-to-face contact.
Also, participants should not share clothes, towels, soap pieces, or other personal items among themselves, and must use their drinking bottles and not share them with others. Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-containing hand sanitizer as an alternative.
Hand sanitizers should be available throughout sports activity venues.
Participants and spectators should be reminded and assured of adherence to health procedures, especially social distance, and masks. Participants should also avoid using shower rooms and shared changing rooms in all places.
All participants must download Ehteraz app, and only access is allowed to those who show green status.
Ensure that all used spaces and surfaces are constantly cleaned and cleared.
Provide visual reminders and health awareness materials such as banners or posters.

Participations from outside Qatar:

If guests from outside Qatar are invited, the conditions for travel to Qatar must be applied.
A swap from arrivals will be needed for Covid-19 test within 36 hours of arrival.
Participants who have tested positive for Covid-19 will not be allowed to participate unless they have fully recovered, i.e., after 7 days with a PCR or RAT test on Day 7, with a release from isolation on Day 8, if negative. If positive, a further 3 days in isolation will be required, with release on Day 11 without the need for a further test.


Meals are allowed at all public places in accordance with the Ministry of Public Health’s guidelines for restaurants and food services. The distance is 2 meters between the dining tables in all directions with no more than 4 people on the same table and one meter between people at the same table.
Food outlets at event venues are best limited to take away in disposable packages. Outdoor dining is also possible.
Safe distances between people in the queue for meals is a must. (The minimum physical spacing is one meter) with ground markings specifying where to stand, to ensure compliance. Staff or volunteers must be provided to monitor and ensure compliance with these procedures. It also allows the buffet served/with assistance at licensed restaurants associated with “Clean Qatar Program”.

Other general health measures:

Placing containers with covers to get rid of used napkins available on all buses, at all facilities and in places where the public and participants sit.
Anyone participating in the event who feels sick should not come to the places of activity or training and are informed of the need to check with the nearest health center.
Meetings, if any, are highly recommended to be online, before the event. If meetings in person is a must, the maximum number of attendees must be adhered to, in accordance with the recent cabinet decision in this regard, while maintaining a safe distance of one meter and committing to wearing masks for all throughout the meetings. If an internal meeting is required, the meeting should not include more than 15 participants in the meeting simultaneously, wearing masks and keeping safe physical distance. Social gatherings will be permitted in accordance with the procedures followed in due course.
Make sure there are good health signs over all places, preparation rooms, toilets, training facilities, activities and so forth.
Staff of the national committee team and volunteers should ensure that their teams and volunteers are informed of the protocols for the suspected and confirmed cases of Covid-19, about infection prevention and control measures, and where more information is found or searched for.

Attendees and spectators:

Public attendance of sports activities during the sport day is permitted at the prescribed rates for each event after approval by the Ministry of Public Health with a minimum distance of one meter in all directions.
Check the download of “Ehteraz app” and check that the status is green to allow access to the public places.
Be sure to avoid congestion while entering or exiting public areas while maintaining a safe distance at all times.
Smoking is prohibited in terraces and public places.
The designated smoking rooms and areas must be approved by the competent department of the Ministry of Public Health.
It is advised that vulnerable groups, including persons over the age of 60, people with chronic diseases and persons with disabilities, should not be encouraged to attend activities, if it is opened for public, for their safety.

Source and cover image credit: MOPH