Karwa city taxis to be replaced with hybrid eco-taxis by Mowasalat


The Peninsula newspaper reported on 11 May 2022, that Mowasalat will be moving to hybrid electric eco-taxis for all Karwa taxis within the city.

As per the article, this is done in an attempt to further move towards eco-mobility within public transportation.

The vehicle will be running solely on electric power at the time of starting up, moving at a slow speed, or when stopping. Aside from those instances, the car will be running on high-efficiency low emission gasoline and an electric motor which is used by a hybrid-electric system that is self-charged.

Adding to the technicality of this highly efficient car would be that during decelerating or braking, the kinetic energy from the wheels is converted into electricity which is then stored within the battery of the car. This emphasizes the efficiency at times of high traffic within the city.

It was also reported in the article that each vehicle is to conserve approximately 12,000 kg of CO2, unlike that of a typical taxi that operates on a conventional fuel drive system.

Source & Cover Image Credit: The Peninsula