Fans can apply again for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022(TM) tickets from March 23


Fans can apply again for tickets for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022(TM) through the First Come First Served sales period of Sales Phase (1) that starts on 23 March 2022 at 11:00 CET / 13:00 Doha time and ends on 29 March 2022 at 11:00 CET / 12:00 (midday) Doha time.

Three types of tickets will be made available during this sales period of the Sales Phase (1): Individual Match Tickets (IMTs), Team Specific Ticket Series (TSTs), and Four-Stadium Ticket Series (FSTs). Please visit the section ‘Ticket Products‘ for more information.

During this sales period, tickets will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and ticket purchases are processed as a real-time transaction, subject to availability. All successfully purchased tickets will be confirmed immediately to the ticket applicants.

We advise football fans to place their application as soon as the sales period opens, on March 23, 11H CET / 13H Doha time, as tickets will likely sell out quickly.

Payments for allocated tickets during the first Random Selection Draw sales period that finished on 8 February 2022 are no longer accepted.

Ticket applicants are reminded that, at the request of the Qatari authorities, all local and international fans attending FIFA World Cup 2022(TM) matches will need to obtain a Hayya Card. All international fans must also confirm their accommodation plans after purchasing their tickets in order to enter the State of Qatar and access the stadiums. Click here for more information, and to explore accommodation options.

Visa payment cards are the exclusive payment method accepted for residents of Qatar.

RELATED: How to buy FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022(TM) tickets

Cover image: Shutterstock