How to Change Your PHCC Health Center: Here are 3 Easy Ways


Process to Change PHCC Health Centers

If you live or work in Qatar, you probably have a government-issued health card to avail of the medical services of Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) Health Center.

Where you first registered your health card is where your health center is usually located. However, there might be instances that your residence address changes. Your family or sponsorship status might also change.

In this case, you may feel the need to transfer to another health center that is near to your new area.

Did you know that all Qatari citizens, residents and expats who have health cards, including those with jobs in Qatar can change their health centers in 3 easy ways?

Here are the 3 options you can choose from in changing your health center:

1. Nar’aakom App

2. PHCC eService Portal

3. Visit PHCC Health Center in person

Before applying to change your health center, it is important to note which health center you are registered with as your records are dependent on PHCC’s patient registration policy.

To know the list of health centers and their corresponding numbers, read this article: List of Health Center Numbers – Guide to Expats with Jobs in Qatar

Read on to know the step-by-step guide in changing your health center in 3 different ways below:

Nar’aakom App

1. Download and open the Nar’aakom App.

2. Log in to the National Authentication System (NAS) using your QID number and password.

3. Choose the “Change My Health Center” service.

4. Select the applicant.

5. Select reason for transfer.

6. Fill in the address of residence information.

7. Upload the following documents:

– Copy of applicant’s QID

– Rental Contract/KAHRAMAA bill

8. Tick the available box to give your consent of the following:

– Applicants would be assigned a Family Physician at the new Health center.

– All existing appointments of the applicant at the old health center would be canceled and would be rescheduled at the new health center.

Please note your assigned health center is not confirmed yet unless you have received a confirmation from the e-services team.

9. Submit your request.


This portal allows you to request services from PHCC without the need for you to visit your health center or make a call to our call center, including the application for change of health center.

To access this service, you need to:

o Have a QID that’s been valid for at least one year.

o Have a valid health card.

o Have proof of your residency address (Rental contract or Kahramaa Bill).

o Have an account with Qatar’s National Authentication System (Tawtheeq)

o Must be 18+ years old

After checking the above, follow these steps:

1. Visit the PHCC eService Portal

2. Log in through the National Authentication System (Tawtheeq) using your QID number and password.

3. After you have logged in, you will be taken to your profile and E-Services page.

4. Click on ‘Change My Health Center.’

5. On the ‘Change My Health Center’ page, add ‘Applicant Name’ and ‘Select Reason for Transfer’. Also, add your new ‘Address of Residence’ and refresh the icon under ‘Health Center Covering Residence Area’, so the new Health Center shows up in the box based on the ‘Address of Residence’ you added.

Note: The nearest health center to the address of residence you add will be automatically selected as your new health center.

6. Scroll down on the ‘Change My Health Center’ page and attach the required documents:

– Applicant ID Copy

– Rental Contract/Kahramaa Bill

– Sponsor Parent QID Copy (if required)

– Other Supporting Document (Optional)

7. Before clicking on ‘Submit,’ ‘Tick the given box to give your consent’ for the following:

– Applicant would be assigned a Family Physician at the new health center.

– All existing appointments of the applicant at the old health center would be canceled and would be rescheduled at the new health center.


o Your new health centre is not confirmed unless the PHCC notifies you and sends a confirmation that your health center has been changed successfully.

o If you already have an application in process for this particular e-service, you will not be allowed to submit another similar request unless the pending request is canceled/resolved.

Having a health card to avail of PHCC health care services is one of the benefits that a Qatar expat can take advantage of while working in Qatar. Read this article to know more about Benefits of Working in Doha and finding an Outsourcing Service in Qatar like B2C Solutions when you are looking for new job opportunities in this country.


You may visit your current health center directly to apply for a change of health center.

Here is the procedure according to the Hey’yak 107 Helpline:

1. Go to the reception at your current health center and get the document needed to transfer to your new health center.

2. Take the following documents to the health center you wish to transfer to:

– Health center transfer document

– Both sides of applicant QID copy

– Both sides of sponsor QID copy

– Rental contract/Kahramaa bill under family sponsor name

– Both sides of family members (wife/parents – if applicable)

– QID copy

– Ministry of Municipality (Al Baladiya) stamp on the housing contract

3. Hand in the documents to the window that deals with changing the health center in the reception. They will check your documents and see if you are eligible for transfer.

– If you are not eligible, they will return your documents, or ask you to bring more documents to prove your eligibility to transfer to your health center.

-If you are eligible, you will be given a No Objection Certificate immediately or they may ask you to return within a few days to collect it.

– This No Objection Certificate must be taken to the old health center, who will give you the approval to transfer. Your transfer will then be completed.


o It may take 3-5 days for the health center to be changed. You can call 107 to find out if your health center has been changed successfully or wait for an SMS notification.

o This facility is available at the health centres from Sunday to Thursday: 7 am – 2 pm.

For more information, contact PHCC at:
Hotline: 107
Facebook: @PHCCQatar
Instagram: @phccqatar
Twitter: @PHCCqatar

Sources: Hukoomi and PHCC

Learn more about the health care services in Qatar by visiting the website of B2C Solutions, a manpower company in Qatar, specializing in providing staffing services to employers and companies seeking to hire new workforce.

For your recruitment or employment needs, contact B2C today.